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Creatine History


Creatine has been an established component of meat for since the 1830's. 10 years after, in 1842, a scientist discovered that wild fox meat had ten times the muscle - creatine content compared to farm raised animals. The general conclusion was that creatine levels were influenced by muscle exercise. Early scientific tests were administered and data was collected in order to reach conclusions on creatine levels in the body, and external factors which could influence these levels. In the late 1920s, researchers determined that creatine exists in two main forms - free creatine and phosphorylated creatine.

What is Creatine

Creatine is a naturally occurring guanidine - derived compound synthesized from the amino acids arginine, glycine, and methionine. In humans, over 95 percent of the total creatine content is located in skeletal muscle, with approximately one - third of the total being free creatine form. The enzymes necessary for creatine synthesis are located in the liver, pancreas, and kidneys. Creatine is carried to the muscles by the bloodstream.


Creatine is an essential player in one of the three primary energy systems used for muscle contraction. When your muscles contract, the initial fuel for this movement is a compound called ATP (adenosine triphosphate). ATP provides its energy by releasing one of its phosphate molecules. It then becomes a different compound called ADP (adenosine diphosphate). Unfortunately, there is only enough ATP to provide energy for about ten seconds, so for this energy system to continue, more ATP must be produced. Creatine phosphate comes to the rescue by giving up its phosphate molecule to ADP, recreating ATP. This ATP can then be used again as fuel for more muscle contraction.

The greater quantity of creatine you have in your muscles, the more ATP you can remake. This allows you to train your muscles to their maximum potential. This greater ATP resynthesis also keeps your body from relying on another energy system called glycolysis, which has lactic acid as a byproduct. This lactic acid creates the burning sensation you feel during intense exercise. If the amount of acid becomes too great, muscle movement stops. But if you keep on regenerating ATP because of all the Creatine you have, you can minimize the amount of lactic acid produced and actually exercise longer and harder. This helps you gain strength, power and muscle size; and you will not fatigue as easily.


Research has conclusively found, time and again, that creatine will aid strength training athletes who require large bursts of power for relatively short periods of time. However, research is still being carried out to reach a positive conclusion.

Creatine has also been shown to enhance your body's ability to make proteins within the muscle fibers, which are essential to muscle contraction. So when you build up your supply of these contractile proteins, you actually increase your muscle's ability to perform physical work.


Manufacturers of creatine products recommend a loading phase of 30 grams a day for one week, followed by five to ten grams a day for the maintenance. These numbers of averages, and quantities of creatine to consume will vary with weight.

Side Effects

None of the studies carried out have shown creatine to be toxic. Some individuals have complained that creatine will increase the amount of water they hold due to creatine use. Creatine has never been studied over very long periods of time, and, although what data is available indicates that creatine is perfectly harmless, conclusive evidence is undetermined as of the present date.

If you have any questions or concerns about the use of creatine supplementation in your diet, feel free to contact me at the address listed below.

Go to: The Safety of Creatine

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